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News of Future is a trolling website where all the news publications are of the future. That is a real fun sending a smelly gift to someone you want. Yes, this is one of the best prank links to send to your friends so that they prank with their other friends by ordering poop of an animal. Shit Express is a website from where you can send anyone the poop of any selected animal. Shit Express (Dirty, smelly Funny Prank Link).This is one of the funniest ways to prank to your friends as with the fun, you get know your friends’ lovers names as well. And, they will come to know about this prank as when they submit, they get the message that it was a prank your and your partner’s name is emailed to. Now, when they enter their and their partner’s name, all the details will be emailed to you. Love Calculator is a website where you can register and get prank link to send to your friends which will show them a love calculator. 1 15 Prank Links to Send to Friends to Fool Them.

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